Here at Safe Routes, we talk a lot about the pedestrian safety side of walking and rolling. However, during the summertime, it is important to consider some other safety factors when planning activities with your family.
Tip 1: Wear Sunscreen

Stay safe in higher temperatures by wearing sunscreen! Although SPF doesn’t do much when it comes to regulating body temperature, it plays an important role in protecting your skin from the sun’s UV rays. Taking the time to apply and reapply sunscreen can save you from the major headache of taking care of sunburns, and even dehydration.
Tip 2: Weather appropriate clothes
Another tip that can help you beat the heat is choosing clothing that is right for summer activities. Wearing lightweight, breathable clothing ensures that you can get plenty of airflow while walking or rolling. Clothing made out of materials like cotton or rayon are great choices when it comes to keeping cool in the heat.
Tip 3: Hydration

Above all, staying hydrated is the key to staying cool during summer activities. According to My Fitness Pal, having a glass or two of water at least half an hour before leaving your home can help you get a head start on keeping cool. When it comes down to it, staying hydrated is as easy as thinking ahead, and then bringing along plenty of water during your adventure.
Tip 4: Timing
In combination with the other tips, avoiding peak hours where heat and UV rays are the strongest can work in your favor when spending time outside. Choosing to walk or roll before 10 AM or after 4 PM is a good rule of thumb to limit your exposure to high temperatures and UV levels. However, if choosing an alternative time to walk or roll is not the best option for you, choosing a trail or route that is heavily shaded can provide a similar effect.

We hope these tips help you and your family stay cool and stay safe this summer, and make sure you save these tips for when you start walking and rolling back to school.