Safe Routes Utah School Assembly
The Safe Routes Utah Beat the Street assembly is a free, 30-minute program about walking and biking to school safely. It is available statewide with an assembly for grades 1st-3rd and one for grades 4th-6th. This dynamic, educational presentation teaches students about the importance of traffic signs, signal lights, crossing the road, and helmet use.
Request an In-Person Beat the Street Assembly
As a resource for classes that are unable to attend in-person assemblies, Safe Routes has created online versions for your students. To watch the Beat the Street assembly, click the link for your grade below.

Do your students speak Spanish and need a Spanish option for the assembly? We have you covered and Safe Routes has created online Spanish versions for your students to watch, just click the link for your grade below.

Take the Quiz

Grades 1-3 : Take the Quiz
Are your students ready to Beat the Street by understanding Cross, Alert and Ready? Check their learning to see if they are ready to safely cross the street.
This interactive quiz will test what you’ve learned in your assembly. Fill out the form to get started.

Grades 4-6 : Take the Quiz
Did your students earn all their street safety badges? See if they remember what they learned about street safety with this online quiz.
This interactive quiz will test what you’ve learned in your assembly. Fill out the form to get started.