You’ve likely heard of our Walk & Roll Challenge. Word gets around when kids can win a free helmet and scooter, but did you know there is so much more to Safe Routes Utah?
Safe Routes Utah is a state program that encourages kids to walk and bike to and from school safely, the keyword being “safely.” We find multiple ways to teach and encourage safety among students using active transportation. One way we do that is by teaching it.
The first thing you may not know about Safe Routes Utah is that we hold assemblies at schools across Utah. Our most popular assembly is Beat The Street. Beat The Street is an interactive assembly that teaches safety laws and tips to students by age. The presentation pulls kids into a video game atmosphere where they can level up for each correct answer they give. Grab your kiddo and click here to level up together.

Think Safety is another assembly we present to schools. This assembly focuses on safety around construction zones. It comes in handy when there is construction around school zones to help keep children safe. The relay race is also a big hit and a fantastic way to apply the concepts we teach about construction zone safety.
Safe Routes also provides training guides for crossing guards. We are proud to offer many resources and videos to crossing guards to help increase safety for students that use active transportation to school. Click here to find the Living Pavement series. Although the videos are meant for crossing guards, they are fun to watch. You’ll laugh and learn street safety.
Lastly, did you know that every school is required by law to designate a safe route to school? If you did, did you know that it can be done through Safe Routes Utah? It’s true. If you don’t know your school’s safe route, click here. If your school isn’t using the Safe Routes website to post their route, talk to your school about acquiring one.
While our Walk & Roll Challenge is one of our most popular programs, we live and breathe safety for kids around Utah. It’s all about safety, from teaching it to providing it.