Working Together for Safe Routes

By starting with children and the trip to school, communities become safe places for everyone to walk and bike. Bring together the right people such as crossing guards, enforcement and government officials.

Crossing Guards

School crossing guards play a critical role in ensuring the safety of students as they walk or bike to school. UDOT Safe Routes Utah developed training materials to provide you with fundamental information that is easy to apply and will help you protect students and save lives.

Utah codes regarding Crossing Guards:

41-6a-303     41-6a-604.5

Training Guides - The Living Pavement

Safe Routes is launching “The Living Pavement,” a new crossing guard video training series covering:

  • Ep. 1: An introduction highlighting the importance of crossing guards
  • Ep. 2: Equipment & conduct expectations
  • Ep. 3: Preparation & setup best practices
  • Ep. 4: The 8 steps of crossing to get pedestrians safely across the street

The video trainings conclude with a review recap. There is also the option to watch all the episodes together in one full video.

Full Version

Ep. 1 - Introduction

Ep. 2 - Equipment & Conduct

Ep. 3 - Preparation & Setup

Ep. 4 - The 8 Steps of Crossing

8 Step Review

Crossing Guard Resources

Safe Routes Utah is here to help you provide your crossing guards with Quick Reference Guides and Training videos, available on DVD or USB.

Click the Request Crossing Guard Materials bar below and complete the form specifying your selections and quantity requested.