Tips For Walking or Biking to School Safely

You deserve safe places to walk and bike to school. The following safety tips give you ideas for safe things to do on your walk or ride to school.

Drivers may not always see you. They might be looking another direction or they may be distracted.

You should walk with an adult until you are at least 10 years old. You should hold an adult’s hand when crossing the street and in parking lots.

Always cross the street at a corner or at a crosswalk and obey traffic signals; cross with a crossing guard if they are there.

Drivers may not always see you. They might be looking another direction or they may be distracted.

Do your best to make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.

Walk on a sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the street, facing oncoming traffic.

Look left, then right, then left again before crossing the street. Continue looking while you cross.

Wear light-colored clothing or clothing with reflective material to be more visible to drivers.

Put electronic devices away and keep heads up. Walk, don’t run, across the street.

Slow down and stay alert. Watch out for cars that are turning or backing up. Don’t dart out into the street or cross in-between parked cars.

Only cross in front of a bus when the driver says it is safe to do so.

Do not cross behind the bus or between parked cars, where a driver cannot see you.

Do not run onto a street for a ball, pet or any other reason. You should always play in a backyard or playground when parents are outside. Play away from streets or parking lots whenever possible.

Always wear a helmet when riding your bike, skateboard or scooter.

Watch and Learn

Watch and Learn how to Walk and Bike Safely to and from School

Helmet use

A helmet should be worn when biking, scootering, skateboarding, skating etc. Research shows that wearing a properly fitted bike helmet is the best way to prevent head injuries and death. Watch this video and learn how to properly fit a helmet. Parents should also wear their helmet properly not only for their own protection, but also to be an example for their children.

Hand Signals (Courtesy of Safe Kids Worldwide)

Teach your kids the hand signals that should be used to alert driver and others of their actions. 

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