Keeping your kids safe can mean several things, especially this year. So we have gathered the best safety tips for a safe and spooktacular Halloween. Just like school this year, Halloween is going to be different and there are many different ways to celebrate this creepy holiday. Regardless of how you are celebrating this year, Safe Routes is here to help you keep your little monsters safe.
Keeping your kids safe can mean several things, especially this year. So we have gathered the best safety tips for a safe and spooktacular Halloween. Just like school this year, Halloween is going to be different and there are many different ways to celebrate this creepy holiday. Regardless of how you are celebrating this year, Safe Routes is here to help you keep your little monsters safe.
Halloween is unique in that it is typically a pedestrian holiday and that’s the kind of holiday we can get behind. Pedestrian safety is the root of Safe Routes so many of the safety tips and road rules we encourage and teach are perfect for Halloween and we have a few extra wicked tips just for the holiday. Before going out on foot, start by reviewing these road rules with your ‘trick or treaters’
- – Use a sidewalk as much as possible
- – When crossing the street try to use a crosswalk
- – Always look left, right, left when crossing the street
- – Make eye contact with drivers
- – Talk to your kids about the planned route and designate a spot to meet if they get separated
For more pedestrian safety tips to review with your kids, click here.

This Halloween, some might be celebrating a hybrid Halloween, meaning a little driving and a little walking. Driver safety is just as important as pedestrian safety. Remind kids that it’s harder for drivers to see them, especially as the day turns to night. One of the best safety tips for Halloween is to try and incorporate reflective gear into your child’s Halloween costume or use glow sticks in their candy buckets. Anything that glows, lights-up or reflects means your kiddo is more likely to be seen and safe. Plus, it can also help to make your child identifiable and easier to keep an eye on. If you plan to travel, as the driver, it’s important to stick to the speed limit and be cautious of candy-crazed kids walking. Click here to watch a haunting tale of pedestrian safety with your kids as a conversation starter.

If celebrating at home is your plan, safety is still important. Since others might be out in your neighborhood it’s important to review safety rules with your child.
Health Safety:
Health safety is being emphasized this year especially. So coupled with street safety we have some tips for keeping your kids and your family healthy. As we come up on Halloween, click here to see the CDC guidelines and click here to see COVID-19 guidelines for Utah. Being aware of the guidelines for the night will make it easier to maneuver so things can go off without a hitch. Some top tips we like are:
- – Stay home if your child feels sick.
- – Wear masks and practice physical distancing.
- – Carry travel-size hand sanitizer or wipes with you.
- – Be patient and courteous, everyone is figuring things out this year.
- – Before approaching a house, check to see if they have directions or alternative ways to trick or treat.
The number one rule, if you or anyone in your family is feeling sick, stay home.
This is a unique holiday for many reasons, and with these tips, you can ‘creep’ it safe and make it a real treat no matter how you celebrate.