Pull out your best green gear and help us bring awareness to school zone safety this month for Green Ribbon Month.

Green Ribbon Month was created in Utah to shine a light on school zone safety. Now that school is officially back in session, there are more pedestrians, particularly kids, walking and biking to and from school. It’s a reminder to drivers to watch for kids on their way to school and also a reminder to pedestrians to walk and bike responsibly.
As a driver, Green Ribbon Month encourages everyone behind the wheel of a vehicle to be extra mindful of kids walking to and from school. Shockingly, on average, 40 pedestrians are killed, and 1,070 are hit in pedestrian/automobile crashes each year in Utah. 1/3 of pedestrians hit, and 1/3 of the pedestrians killed are children under the age of 15, according to the Davis County website.
When driving, you can take a few very simple actions to help increase safety in school zones.
- – Slow down, especially in school zones
- – Always stop for pedestrians
- – Learn the rules of the road
- – Consider using active transportation
There are also responsibilities as a pedestrian to help reduce the number of auto-pedestrian crashes. It takes effort from both drivers and pedestrians to increase safety on our roads.
As a pedestrian, try following the tips below. If you have kids, teach them these tips too.
- – Walk on sidewalks and designated pedestrian areas
- – Use crosswalks properly
- – Look both ways when crossing the street
- – Obey pedestrian traffic laws

Pedestrian safety in school zones is a top priority for Safe Routes. It’s a huge part of our program, so you can safely assume we are big fans of Green Ribbon Month. In addition to the tips above, you can make school zones safer by participating in our Walk & Roll program. When kids and parents decide to use active transportation to and from school, fewer vehicles are on the roads and in school zones. When vehicle usage is reduced, safety is increased. You can help increase safety and the chances your child will win sweet prizes. Click here to get started with your kids.
Don’t forget to wear green in September. Have some fun with Green Ribbon Month while participating in the Walk & Roll Challenge. We encourage you to wear green or put ribbons on your bikes, helmets and backpacks or cars. Let’s paint the town green this month for school zone safety.