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Driver Myths Quiz

Please answer the five questions below and then fill out the form at the end.  After taking the quiz, you’ll receive a short email revealing the correct answers!

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

The Myths vs Facts

(The Correct Answers)

Question 1

Myth: At a speed of only 25 mph, the average car needs at least 60 ft. of distance to stop.
Fact: The average car actually needs 110 ft. of distance to come to a complete stop at a speed of only 25 mph.


Question 2

Myth: When the light turns green at an intersection, a crossing pedestrian no longer has the right-of-way.
Fact: Pedestrians always have the right of way at all intersections. Traffic must yield until they have crossed, even if the light is green.


Question 3

Myth: Crosswalks exist at every intersection, whether they are marked or not.
Fact: At all intersections, marked and unmarked, vehicles must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.


Question 4

Myth: Modern vehicles are able to detect all pedestrians in a car’s blind spots.
Fact: False. Moving pedestrians, especially children, can be overlooked by vehicle sensors.


Question 5

Myth: Nearly half of all Utah pedestrian fatalities occur between the hours of 6 p.m. and midnight.
Fact: True. Dusk, dawn and dark hours are the most dangerous times to drive through intersections.

Safe Routes T-Shirt Giveaway Official Rules
  • The “weekly T-shirt contest” is officially considered by definition of the law as a sweepstakes, with winners drawn weekly at random from eligible participants.
  • Winners will only be selected if located in the state of Utah.
  • Winners are selected from quiz entries every Tuesday. Winners will receive one Pedestrian and one Driver Myths T-shirt in the sizes they specify, or as close to the ideal size as possible given our supply. Shirt color and design to be chosen at will, given the supply, by Safe Routes.
  • Winners will be emailed to confirm the mailing address and the (2) two t-shirts will be mailed within the week.
  • The sweepstakes runs from March 15 – May 18, 2021.


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