Snow season is still upon us, but that doesn’t mean your kiddos shouldn’t walk or bike to school. Walking or biking to school can be a great way to break cabin fever and enjoy being outdoors even though it’s cold and snowy, i. Before they head to school, teach your children the following tips to keep them safe.
Dress for conditions
Wearing weather-appropriate clothes is essential for walking or biking to school, especially in the winter. Dress your kids in comfortable, water-proof, well-fitting layers to keep them warm, while keeping them mobile. When they’re dressed right, they’ll be much more willing to walk or bike to school.
Along with layering, be sure to buy the proper shoes. Sidewalks can be icy and slippery. The better the traction on their shoes, the less likely a fall will occur.
Be visible
With snowstorms and darker days, make sure your kids are easy to see by avoiding dark clothing and adding safety reflectors to their backpacks. Having the option of wearing bright layers might even get your kids eager to get layered up and walk or bike to school!
Don’t forget to also teach your children that they need to be aware of their surroundings just as much as drivers need to be aware of theirs. Only cross at crosswalks. Look left and right and then left again before they crossing.
Before you send your kids off to school, check the weather so your child is set with the right clothing. Being comfortable and warm is the key to keeping your kids motivated to continue walking to school.