Safe Routes Utah Blog

4 Tips to Stay Cool While Staying Active

Here at Safe Routes, we talk a lot about the pedestrian safety side of walking and rolling. However, during the summertime, it is important to consider some other safety factors when planning  activities with your family.

Finding Kid Friendly Trails 

A great way to keep walking and rolling over the summer is to get moving with Utah’s trail system! Utah has an abundance of trails suitable for walking, biking and rolling. 

4 Places To Find Summer Activities

Being out of school doesn’t have to mean being stuck at home all summer! Here are some fun, easy ideas to keep your kids active, learning and having fun all summer long.

Safety in Numbers – The Walking School Bus

Safe Routes Utah is here to help teach the importance of pedestrian safety to you and your children. As we head into Spring, many of you may be encouraging your children to start spending more time in the sunshine by walking or biking to school. So what can you do to help ensure their safety as they do so? One great option is a walking school bus!

Crossing Guard: Whitney Durfee

Being a crossing guard means helping your community and keeping kids safe, but sometimes it includes close calls and danger. The last thing anyone wants is for a crossing guard or a child to be in harm’s way. That’s why we are talking to Whitney, a crossing guard from Vineyard, Utah, who can give us a little more insight and share tips to make school zones safer.

Three Ways To Focus On Safety

Being a kid right now is not the same as it was 10 years ago or more. Kids are inundated with so many distractions and it’s hard for them to know what to focus on. If we’re being honest, the same goes for adults most of the time too. Being able to focus as a driver or a pedestrian is crucial to safety. Because we’ve seen an uptick in pedestrian crashes, we think it’s a good time to talk about three ways to focus while walking or biking.

How To Talk With Your Kids About Pedestrian Safety

How often do you talk to your kids about pedestrian safety? It’s one of those topics that needs addressing but doesn’t always have a natural introduction. But when it comes to your child’s safety, it’s worth having the conversation and having it often.

Can Drivers See You?

Darker conditions create limited visibility, and as young pedestrians, kids may not realize the danger lurking within their own neighborhoods. What seemed a simple task, now requires hyper-vigilance and the proper gear to make sure drivers can see our little pedestrians and bicyclists clearly.

Why Kids Should Walk In A Group

One way to implement safety is by putting together a walking (or biking) group. That’s right, the more, the merrier when it comes to walking or biking. 

Back To School To-Dos

Is it really time for school to start? We can’t believe it’s already August, and it’s time to prepare for the new school year. If you’re getting ready, here are three things to add to the list to get your kiddos ready.

Five Tips to Get Your Child to Wear a Helmet

We love spreading the message of street safety any time we get an opportunity. But during these warmer months, we especially love to emphasize helmet use while riding bikes, scooters and anything with wheels.