Safe Routes Utah Blog

Do These 3 Things To Keep Kids Active This Summer

We’re not exactly sure if you can actually call summer break a “break” as a parent, but we do know that kids and teachers definitely need the break. We also know that summer break means parents are looking for ways to keep kids busy. It’s not always an easy thing to do but we have some tried and true tips to share in hopes of keeping your kiddos healthy, active and safe this summer.

How To Pick The Right Size Bike And Helmet

If your kid rides a push pedal bike, they should have one that’s the proper size. When a child has a bike that is the correct size, they can control it better, refine their coordination and increase their confidence and safety. A bike the right size should:

Kids vs. Parents: Pedestrian and Driver Myths

Make it known to all that the battle shall rage between kid and parent to see who will rule the road the safest. Prizes are at hand every Tuesday for those who venture to take on this quest. You have until the strike of midnight on May 18th to complete the quest. Who’s knowledge will bust each myth and ensure the safety of your kingdom? To find out, click here and crush the myths. Show who knows the rules of the road best. Once you’ve completed the first mission in the quest, continue to the next quest and gather additional resources.

School Safety And How You Can Help

We know there are many reasons it seems challenging to use active transportation to get your kids to school, but every child deserves a safe school environment. Contribute to your child’s safety by walking instead of driving to school. It will give you quality time together and improve their health.

3 Things Crossing Guards Want You and Your Kids To Know

Crossing the street might seem like a straightforward task, but there are many things to be aware of as a crossing guard. Kids, drivers, high traffic volume, and distractions are all circumstances to juggle for a crossing guard. We have three inside tips every crossing guard wants drivers, parents and kids to know to keep school zones safe.

How To Teach Pedestrian Safety To Kids

Regardless if your child walks, bikes, scoots, or rolls, we have the steps you need to teach your kids pedestrian safety and healthy activity.

3 Ways To Keep Your Kids Active This Winter

When the weather turns cold and routine sets in, it’s easy to lose motivation and want to stay indoors. But getting outside is still good for kids and keeping them active during the winter is important. A great way to get exercise and get the kiddos moving is walking or biking to school. With these three tips, you can make walking or biking to school in any weather a breeze, and you’ll be eligible to win prizes in the Safe Routes Walk & Roll Challenge. Here are a few pro tips to help.

Halloween: How to Keep Your Little Monster Safe

Halloween is unique in that it is typically a pedestrian holiday and that’s the kind of holiday we can get behind. Pedestrian safety is the root of Safe Routes so many of the safety tips and road rules we encourage and teach are perfect for Halloween and we have a few extra wicked tips just for the holiday.

Walk & Roll Challenge: How to Rock It On Any School Schedule

As we all know, this school year has been, in a word, hectic. Finding new routines and balancing new schedules has been difficult for parents and kids alike. The new school arrangements also have us reconsidering how our Walk & Roll Challenge should run (no pun intended) this year.

3 Reasons Your Kids Should Be Biking

Riding a bike seems like such a simple activity, but the benefits have a broad reach, especially for kids. As a parent, it’s always nice to give your kid the best experiences, and biking provides a variety of skills and opportunities.

Safe Summertime Activities

Summertime means outdoor activities, and even though we are still practicing social distancing, there are still ways to get out. As a parent, you know that children love to express themselves which helps build their cognitive and social skills. Combining their creativity with spreading joy to people they care about, gives you the perfect activity. Here are some activities that your whole family can enjoy.